Faith Respess

Faith Respess

Certified internet evangelist. Freelance social media aficionado. Passionate food specialist. General social media enthusiast. Freelance web guru. Proud twitter geek.

48 Total Articles
4 Requirements for Patenting an Invention

4 Requirements for Patenting an Invention

Before an invention can be patented, it must meet certain legal requirements. These requirements are that the invention...

What is the Highest Paying State for Patent Lawyers?

What is the Highest Paying State for Patent Lawyers?

When it comes to the legal profession, there is no one-size-fits-all definition of “big law”. Generally, it refers to ...

What are the Odds of Getting a Patent?

What are the Odds of Getting a Patent?

Are you wondering what the chances are of getting a patent? If so, you're not alone. Every year, the Patent and Trademark ...

What is a Patent and What are the Different Types?

What is a Patent and What are the Different Types?

A patent is a right granted to an inventor that allows them to exclude everyone else from manufacturing, using, or...

Where Do Patent Lawyers Get the Highest Paychecks?

Where Do Patent Lawyers Get the Highest Paychecks?

As a trademark attorney, your duties involve visiting clients in their homes or in your office, gathering information...

What is the Meaning of Patent Laws?

What is the Meaning of Patent Laws?

Patent law is the branch of intellectual property law that deals with new inventions. Traditional patents protect...

Understanding The Differences Between TM, SM, And ® Symbols

Understanding The Differences Between TM, SM, And ® Symbols

We have all seen the TM, SM, and ® symbols on logos and other intellectual property, but what do they mean? In this blog ...

What are the Best Majors for Patent Law?

What are the Best Majors for Patent Law?

Law school applicants who are interested in patent law must have a degree in science or engineering to qualify for...

The Top 10 Patent & Trademark Attorney Firms in the USA: A Comprehensive Guide

The Top 10 Patent & Trademark Attorney Firms in the USA: A Comprehensive Guide

The Top 10 Patent & Trademark Attorney Firms in the USA: A Comprehensive GuideIn the fast-paced world of innovation...

What is patent law example?

What is patent law example?

Patents are granted for new and useful inventions, and will give you the right to prevent others from manufacturing,...

What Are the Requirements for a Patentable Invention?

What Are the Requirements for a Patentable Invention?

Obtaining a patent on an invention requires that the product or process be a creative solution that has not been made...

How Much Do Patent Attorneys Earn in America?

How Much Do Patent Attorneys Earn in America?

Are you interested in becoming a patent attorney or agent? If so, you may be wondering how much you can expect to earn in ...

What Can You Do with a Patent Law Degree?

What Can You Do with a Patent Law Degree?

Many former fellows begin their law careers as patent agents before completing their J. D.

What are the Different Types of Patents and How to Apply for Them

What are the Different Types of Patents and How to Apply for Them

Patents are a form of intellectual property that give inventors the exclusive right to create or use their invention for...

What is a Patent Law Example?

What is a Patent Law Example?

Patents are granted for new and useful inventions, and they will give you the right to prevent others from manufacturing, ...

8 Famous Patented Inventions That Changed the World

8 Famous Patented Inventions That Changed the World

Innovation has been a driving force in the development of the world as we know it. From the lightbulb to the iPhone,...

Is Patent Law a Good Career Choice?

Is Patent Law a Good Career Choice?

Becoming a lawyer requires additional training, but the long-term career prospects are often much better than, for...

What Does Patent Law Entail?

What Does Patent Law Entail?

Patent law is a branch of intellectual property law that provides protection to new inventions, such as products,...

Is Being a Patent Lawyer Exciting or Boring?

Is Being a Patent Lawyer Exciting or Boring?

Patent lawyers are a unique breed of professionals, combining the skills of a lawyer and an engineer, as well as those of ...

Is the Patent Bar Exam Difficult? An Expert's Perspective

Is the Patent Bar Exam Difficult? An Expert's Perspective

The patent bar exam is not a technical test and can be passed with the right preparation. Taking an accredited patent bar ...

4 Essential Elements of a Patent Application

4 Essential Elements of a Patent Application

The USPTO has established the necessary components for a patent application. Although utilities, design and interim...

Why is it so Hard to Obtain a Patent?

Why is it so Hard to Obtain a Patent?

When it comes to obtaining a patent, the term 'easy' can be interpreted in different ways. According to a Yale...

What is Patent Law and How Does it Work?

What is Patent Law and How Does it Work?

Patent law is the branch of intellectual property law that deals with new inventions. Traditional patents protect...

Is Patent Law in High Demand?

Is Patent Law in High Demand?

The legal profession is often associated with rain-makers, ambulance chasers, and sharks, but patent attorneys are in a...

3 Requirements for Patentability: What You Need to Know

3 Requirements for Patentability: What You Need to Know

If you're considering filing a patent application, it's important to understand the three requirements for patentability. ...

What is the Most Common Type of Patent?

What is the Most Common Type of Patent?

Utility patents are by far the most common type of patent issued in the United States. To date, the USPTO has granted...

Passing the Patent Agent Exam: Expert Tips and Strategies

Passing the Patent Agent Exam: Expert Tips and Strategies

Are you looking to become a patent agent? Passing the Patent Bar Association exam is a crucial step in the process. As an ...

Is the Patent Law Bar Exam Difficult?

Is the Patent Law Bar Exam Difficult?

The patent law bar exam is not a technical test and can be passed with the right preparation. Taking an accredited patent ...

5 Requirements for Obtaining a Patent

5 Requirements for Obtaining a Patent

For those unfamiliar with patent law, one of the reasons it can be confusing to consider patentability is because the...

Is Getting a Patent Easy? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Getting a Patent Easy? A Comprehensive Guide

Obtaining a patent is not always easy. According to a Yale statistical study, only 11% of applications for useful...

What are two examples of Patents and How to Protect Them

What are two examples of Patents and How to Protect Them

Patents have been around for centuries, with the first registered patent granted in the 15th century to Italian architect ...

Types of Patents: A Comprehensive Guide

Types of Patents: A Comprehensive Guide

Patents are a form of intellectual property protection that can be used to protect inventions, designs, and plants. There ...

What is the Most Common Type of Patent?

What is the Most Common Type of Patent?

Utility patents are by far the most common type of patent issued in the United States. To date, the USPTO has granted...

How Long Does It Take to Get a Patent?

How Long Does It Take to Get a Patent?

Getting a patent approved by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) can be a lengthy process, with an...

Is Being a Patent Agent Stressful? An Expert's Perspective

Is Being a Patent Agent Stressful? An Expert's Perspective

Being a patent agent is a demanding job that requires long hours, even some evenings and weekends. Patent agents...

What To Look For When Choosing A Patent Attorney In New York City

What To Look For When Choosing A Patent Attorney In New York City

New York City is not only known for its bustling business environment but also for being a hub of innovation. With so...

Patent Attorneys Raleigh NC

Patent Attorneys Raleigh NC

Dogwood Patent and Trademark LawAshley JohnsonOriginally from Wilmington, North Carolina, Ashley graduated from...

The Difference Between Trademark and Patent Symbols

The Difference Between Trademark and Patent Symbols

We've all seen the TM, SM, and ® signs on items we encounter-- but what do they suggest? All 3 symbols are...

How Can Patent Attorneys Use SEO And Digital Marketing To Grow Their Business

How Can Patent Attorneys Use SEO And Digital Marketing To Grow Their Business

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses across all industries, including law...

Is Patent Law Easy? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Patent Law Easy? A Comprehensive Guide

Patent law is a complex and highly specialized field of law that requires a great deal of technical knowledge and...

Top 10 Invention Broker Companies: Empowering Inventors to Patent and Market Their Innovations

Top 10 Invention Broker Companies: Empowering Inventors to Patent and Market Their Innovations

In the fast-paced world of innovation, turning a brilliant idea into a marketable product can be a daunting task. This is ...

What is a Patent and What Does it Mean?

What is a Patent and What Does it Mean?

A patent is a legal right granted by a sovereign authority to an inventor, giving them exclusive ownership of their...

What is a Patent and its Examples?

What is a Patent and its Examples?

A patent is an exclusive right granted to an invention, which is a product or process that generally provides a new way...

Where Do Patent Attorneys Earn the Most Money?

Where Do Patent Attorneys Earn the Most Money?

Are you looking to make the most money as a patent attorney? If so, you'll need to demonstrate your expertise in the...

What are the Different Types of Patents and Examples of Inventions Protected by Them?

What are the Different Types of Patents and Examples of Inventions Protected by Them?

Patents are a form of intellectual property that protect inventions from being copied or used without permission....

Is Being a Patent Lawyer Stressful?

Is Being a Patent Lawyer Stressful?

Stress is an inevitable part of any job, and patent law is no exception. Working long hours, dealing with demanding...

What does a patent protect example?

What does a patent protect example?

Patent law protects inventions (utility patents) and ornamental designs of manufacturing items (design patents)....